Physics and Free Software

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • Aside from practical reasons like being able to read and write, I think the age to vote should be as low as possible.

    People are concerned that parents will coerce their kids, but that would happen across the board. It would come out in the wash.

    The most important thing is that folks are civically engaged as young as possible. They are invested in the outcome and exercise their rights early.

    I would say a good starting point would be third grade. Right when you begin learning social studies.

  • Do something that will make them laugh and enjoy themselves.

    I gave a seminar once that ended with a demonstration of the terminal, ssh, and nginx. I had everyone go to the url where I was hosting a hello world. I killed the server over ssh and told them to refresh the page. Nothing there. I swapped the page, turned it back on, and told them to refresh the page again. I Rick Rolled them. They all laughed. It may not have been the most informative talk, I didn’t really ‘teach’ them anything, but I got some good questions afterwards.

    Be creative and make it fun and they will come to you.

  • Block them and move on. Half of scamming is getting money. The other half is trolling by wasting the target’s time.

    I get it though. These assholes piss everyone off. Wanna counter them? Get really good at a hobby. Fall in love. Make a fuck ton of money. Etc.

    Wasting even a moment of your time on these pieces of shit is time you aren’t doing the above. Don’t let them take from you that which you owe yourself

  • IMO it is a matter of who wants to use said copyrighted material, for what purpose, and to what end. And not necessarily over some period of time. Two licenses I use.

    GNU Public License version 3, GPLv3. Strong copyleft. The right to copy is left to the end user. You can do whatever the hell you want with the code provided you pay forward the four basic freedoms granted to you under the license. I.e. You can view the source code, you can modify the source code, you can distribute the source code, and you can distribute your modifications.

    If you do not pay forward the four basic freedoms, you are in violation of the license. This is why google, microsoft, etc. WILL NOT use gplv3 code. They will never grant the four freedoms downstream, and they don’t need the legal liability. They have code scanners that look for gplv3 code, and as a developer you use it, they will fire you on the spot. Serious shit.

    The second is Creative Commons, CC. There are several variations based on if you can create derivative work, if you can make money off of it, if you need to credit upstream contributors. The one I use is CC-BY-NC-SA. That’s you can create derivative works and distribute them provided you: attribute pervious authors i.e. who is it BY, you can’t sell it i.e. it is Non Commercial, and since this was shared with you, you must Share Alike.

    All that said, these are in a different category than commercial licenses, so restrictions may apply.

    Also. “Intellectual property” is bullshit. It’s incredibly ambigous and doesn’t hold legal value itself. There are three things that do. Copyright, patent, and trademark. Each wrought with their own issues, but the broad concept of intellectual property only exists soley exploit those who don’t know better.