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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • I’ve always had a preference for Balma, it’s unfortunate she becomes less and less important as time goes on and the characters outgrow the need for tech. She’s a genius inventor, though!

    Granted, I’ve always had a preference for female characters, which isn’t exactly DBs strong suit, lol. Now that I think of it, whatever happened to Launch, that lady with the two personalities? Did she just… disappear in DBZ?

  • In LA, my situation was mostly playing video games at friends’ homes after school. I’ve taken buses since I was in middle school, though, and had a key to my home. That said, my dad is and was an abusive alcoholic, so I generally stayed out as long as possible.

    Mind you, how unsafe the city is isn’t really true in many neighborhoods, especially if you’re with other teens. You can always hang out at various locations like malls, parks, the beach, library or at school. You have a lot of options in the city, especially if you’re willing to take a bus or bike places. I had friends who volunteered for Heal the Bay, for instance.

  • My HOA is badass because it’s really just one paranoid nice lady who lets literally anyone know if a trunk is open or if someone suspicious entered, etc. I’d complain about privacy but who the fuck hangs out in hallways?

    But they had a nightmare prior to me moving here. Long story short, the former board member ran a slip & fall legal case against herself which paid out to the tune of 4 million. The insurance company refused to fight it (despite the lack of evidence) and instead settled immediately, recouping their costs by raising the building’s costs four fold.

    This resulted in high HOA fees while that lady just fucking bought a house and left. Her sister sticks around, though, and on multiple occasions, stolen cars have been in our garage in their spot or in the guest spot as their “guest”.

    Now that I said the last part, that’s still happening and I change my answer to that also being my nightmare HOA situation. Lol

  • I watched it, and I usually skip debates because the summaries are more meaningful (it’s usually just used for fluffy sound bites). This one just felt… Different? She baited the fuck out of him. There will be so many memes.

    And yeah the moment he said the great Orban I fucking lost it, more at than the dog eating migrants and the post birth abortions. Like, Harris can’t necessarily call that “ally” an asshole fascist but like, those of us in the know, know.

  • Two, both on the same bus ride:

    Old guy comes on with a cart and starts selling cotton candy, with surprising success. 50 cents, and the rest of the ride people are just all enjoying cotton candy in violation of no eating rules (especially sticky stuff).

    Girl, probably around 16ish, on a loud phone call with someone in regards to a boyfriend in prison with increasingly more depressing and dire details as the ride goes on except a random moment where she talked about Fortnite. We’re talking drugs, pregnancy, other women, and Fortnite.