Hello there!

I’m also @savvywolf@furry.engineer , and I have a website at https://www.savagewolf.org .


  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • The way I usually see it playing out is that people usually call things are negative “reatarded” (e.g. “This app is retarded!”, “Wow, I thought that tomato was a fruit, lmao I’m still retarded!”). It just pushes the negative stereotypes associated with it. I don’t know if that’s what you are doing, but that’s how I see a lot of “stop being sensitive bros” do it.

    I know its easy to say that every one who hears you talk fully understands precisely what you mean, but do they? I’ve seen stories of people who “ironically” use racial slurs and didn’t realise that it resulted in most of their friends turning out to be actual racists. Likewise, are you pushing away would-be friends who don’t want to associate with people who casually throw out slurs? That’s ignoring the impact of saying it in a public place, where victims of abuse can hear it.

  • I think realistically any software you’d want to install as a flatpak would otherwise only be available as a package for a specific version of Ubuntu. Flatpak gives devs a way to package proprietary or cutting edge software in a distro-agnostic way, which is a good selling point for them. It’s also nicer than managing apt repos and ppas.

    The extra space usage is annoying, but it’s not that big a deal. My mint install with a few flatpaks is still smaller than my Windows install.