…just this guy, you know.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2023

  • unqualified internet rando comment…

    avoiding responsibility is a coping mechanism as well as a symptom for a host of significant, but treatable, physiological psychological issues. couple this with a demonstrated history of physical violence (I am trusting the state on this one) makes this difficult.

    my own experience suggests to me that you may want to ensure that your brother is consistently seeing a qualified professional and an effective medication regime is in place, being followed to the letter and has demonstrated positive results before you reengage. without 3rd party qualified professional help things are not likely to get better and may get worse.

    I am sorry you, your brother and those around this situation are hurting. please stay safe.

    edit: emphasis on word and autocorrect.

  • /me gives a knowing head nod.

    until we all learn to separate our identities from our politics from our technology, it will likely stay this way online.

    for the record I will second your positive experience report regarding lemmy[.]ml - its diverse, (relatively) active, well federated and technically administered, runs bleeding edge server builds and is mostly drama free. cant think of much else I could ask for from a lemmy instance.

  • I would say yes. I have never used a pure sinewave UPS outside of a data center situation and all of those are on-line units as opposed to line-interactive anyway. I have personally never seen an issue with stepped sine UPS units on typical pro/consumer workloads.

    lots of small and mid sized shoestring budget deployments make use of “economical” (but name brand) UPS units on legit sensitive equipment without fuss.

    edit to add: of course, if your mains supply is absolute garbage, then a better quality can make a difference. if utility is clean and the UPS will just be doing ocassional brown/black out duty, then I would not spend more on a sinewave UPS.