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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • How much easier it’s gotten and most of what you download nowadays is exactly what you’re looking for. In the 90’s/00’s, alot of what was pirated had the potential to just be total BS or mislabeled, so you were never entirely certain what it was you were getting. I think Madonna had even gotten into it and released a one of her own albums as a fake download with her telling the listener “What the fuck are you doing?” At the time I mostly got music, though the Dreamcast pirating scene was pretty big for me for awhile. I think anymore though I’m probably more interested in obscure RPG books now.

    I think with torrenting, there’s a certain amount of trust that’s inherent with some torrents by virtue of the number of downloads/seeders there are on a torrent. At least for me, I can assume, ok, there’s 100 people seeding this thing, chances are this is exactly what it says it is, otherwise this many people wouldn’t be still seeding it (you can fool some people some of the time, or something like that). I don’t pirate nearly as often as I did when I was younger, but now I feel the need to use protection (via a VPN) because you just don’t know who might be watching. In my entire time having pirated stuff over multiple decades, I had only ever gotten a single letter from my ISP, so it’s not something that I ever felt particularly afraid of, but you never know and it’s better to be safe about that stuff.

  • I work in a company that seems to have mostly women in management roles and the area I work in has mostly women in our area as well. The things I’ve heard women say about men though would get any guy shit-canned within a day if he were to say anything like that about women. Women can straight-up say things like, “I hate men” or “Men are such assholes” or “What is wrong with men?” or “Guys are so stupid!” or “My husband is such a fucking idiot” or saying blatantly sexual shit about men that they have crushes on or find attractive. It’s just a joke to them, like whatever. Meanwhile, if a guy were to say anything even remotely approaching to what I’ve heard in our office, they would be gone like nothing, there’s just no tolerance for that.

    And don’t get me wrong, I’m not offended by women saying sexist things like that or talking sexually about guys, I don’t give a shit, I’ve heard worse from other guys. That doesn’t bother me and I’m not looking to get anybody in trouble over it, I just want tolerance from both sides. What bothers me is that men aren’t afforded that same courtesy and aren’t allowed to talk the same way. Women can talk shit at work all they want about men because “Fuck the patriarchy, old white men are ruining everything, etc”, but whooo, if a guy says anything remotely out of line about women, they will be reported like that 🫰.

  • I use tagging for sorting media that falls into multiple categories and defies normal hierarchical methods. I didn’t know about tagging users on Lemmy though, but I don’t know that I honestly will use it ever. You’re all just random people talking into the void, hell, half (or more) of the people here may very well be bots, I don’t know. The idea of tagging people based on past interactions seems a bit weird to me I guess (not that I don’t see uses for tagging for organization in general).

    Edit: actually, I don’t even know if user tags are supported by Voyager, the main app I use to access lemmy. So, that too.

  • Rumspringa is a rite of passage for the Amish, I think they’re saying you’re disconnected from society, though that kind of gets at what I was saying about my kids. Younger generations are more connected now than any previous generation, but they just don’t care as much about what the older generations were into. While you’re aware of most of the big franchises through cultural osmosis, like what the original commenter was saying, it’s not a priority. For me and my generation that feels odd I think, at least growing up for me I went through a period of trying to get exposed to those big cultural landmarks, music, movies, tv, and books. I assumed those things must’ve gotten popular with the older cool kids for a reason, so I wanted to experience it for myself, if just to be able to understand the odd reference when it came up.

  • Events, or “things happening”, but there’s no real distinction between major or minor events, natural occurrences or “artificial” events initiated by living things, it’s all just shit happening all the time. A leaf falling from a tree, a baby being born, light reaching the Earth, a bomb going off, a gust of wind blowing, an ant dying, a barn getting raised, an asteroid smashing into a planet, someone picking their nose, a symphony plays, a baby cries, someone orgasms, crickets chirp, a body decays, a TV personality talks, the Earth rotates, the Sun radiates, a teacher speaks, a star is collapsing, rain is falling, a shot is fired, and on and on and on, everywhere all the time. “Everything” or “Life” as answers probably also work.