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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2024


  • It is always a slur, even directed to someone mentally healthy, because it reinforces ableist and hateful stereotypes.

    The same way calling men and boys female slurs like bitch or pussy is mysogonistic and puts women down.

    You don’t call a person a “retard” in a complimentary way. You compare them to a mentally disabled person to convey how dumb or stupid they are. Putting other people down at the same time.

  • Not only that. We have your nuklear weapons as well.

    I recently learned that one of the US nuclear weapon depots was at the german airforce airbase my father was stationed on and we lived nearby when I was a kid.

    It wasn’t public knowledge and I’m glad I only learned about it 20 years later. But even if they are not there exactly anymore, they are somewhere in Germany at an undisclosed location and that does makes us a target.

  • She probably has a contract. you can not just stop paying things because you don’t like it anymore, you have to follow the terms of that contract. Otherwise every payment you skipp is a debt to the other party and hey can sue you for breaking the contract and for backpay of the payments you skipped.

    In your example with netflix, the contract you enter into when signing up for their service specifically states, that you can leave it monthly and Netflix lets you do that by not paying anymore.

    This is part of Netflix’s concept as a service provider and doesn’t mean its the same in other services.

  • Why does it always have to be a competition. They are different and that’s good. People and their tastes are different too.
    None has to be superior, superiority suppresses the rest.

    Diversity is what makes life interesting. Uniformity and the following monotony kills all art.

    You don’t have to like the same books than I do, the same art, the same stories. But that doesn’t make you opinion or mine superior or better.