Just some IT guy

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • strictly speaking facts a society needs to reproduce somewhere close to replacement level or above in order to have some semblance of stability, what OP likely means is that they had kids A) because they wanted them and B) because they don’t think most people make good parents. By having kids they contributed to the birth rate and therefore (hopefully) removed some unfit person’s decision to become a parent because the birth rates are horrendous. Also having kids when you can likely manage to actually raise them properly results in a lower ratio of spoiled brats in the population down the line, idiocracy sadly was very on point with the movies observation about reproduction behaviour among different education levels.

  • Well in that context yeah the only reason to get upset about this is if you have a problem with the mechanic itself, otherwise they should and would have started protesting a while ago.

    As for your question: Yes absolutely. Such is the consequence of freedom of speech: people will have opinions you dislike. This isn’t some serious irl matter, it’s about features in a video game so let them have whatever they want. In fact forcing inclusivity might be the least inclusive thing one can do. Sure voice your dislike if you see a group playing a game you don’t like. That is your right. But it is also their right to play that game (and voice their dislike at your voiced dislike).

  • Well the contents of this particular change aside I could see someone upset over the principle of it. I’m not familiar with old-school runescape but if the salespitch really was “no changes unless the community approves them in a poll” then this marks a breach of “contract” (I doubt them only ever adding stuff after polls was ever contractually agreed on) on the developers part. Now that door is open so what else are they going to change without a poll? Is this going to be a one off or will this now become a regular occurence where the developers go over the communities wishes?

    So, again, the politics of this particular change aside I can absolutely see why a player would be upset by this change, it’s not the change itself that is worrying but rather what that means for the future, if players were sold the idea of control this change robbed them of that control they were sold. But again I have no clue about old-school runescape so I don’t know if the community just took the status-quo as granted and never had any promises made to them that only polled changesmwould happen.

  • You agree that tagging the username of a mod (wasn’t even one it was an admin) is doxxing? If so, you’re delusional.

    Mod names are visible by default on my instance so if taking a look there and then mentioning the username you see there is doxxing good luck with the rest of your life. You can’t have a system where everyone can easily find out who performed a mod action and then claim you were “doxxed”