I am against animal agriculture for the same reason I am against sexism, racism, ableism, classism and homophobia.

The circumstances of a creatures birth does not dictate what it is “meant for”, every one deserves to live happy, healthily and with dignity, but some simply want to live.

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 4th, 2024


  • I’m a woman and this is pretty close to my entire life. After suffering a dog attack I can’t really walk anymore and it’s a struggle to do a lot of basic household tasks. I too was also pretty skeptical I would ever find a relationship, but it’s been over two years with my girlfriend and she is wonderfully supportive. We divide up house work based around what I can do and is always checking in if I’m feeling up to doing something.

    All I’m saying is you can’t give up hope. Women exist who are okay with our situations, you’ll find her sooner or later. :)

  • Personally, I think you’re really close to the answer but with an important distinction. The great filter is an hyper aggressive species that does not want to deal with a potential cold war with a different species with technology as advanced as their own. They already launched their doomsday armageddon weapon at us after detecting our existence, probably from something like our farthest satille, Voyager 1.

    It could take generations for the bomb heading to our sun or stealth asteroid heading directly for us to actually connect. But it’s arguably in their best interest not to even chance us becoming militarily on par with them.

    Statistically there is alien life out there somewhere, and whichever one got to interplanetary weapons first would have everything to lose by allowing an equal to exist.

    My question for you is, why do you want a female perspective on this? Idk, doesn’t seem like something that gender would effect.