Linux gamer, retired aviator, profanity enthusiast

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • You know what always weirds me out:

    The knife is a technology. It was invented by a person. And that person was not the same species as us. The knife has been around longer than Homo Sapiens.

    I’ve commented on this before, but it reminds me of the mortise and tenon joint. The oldest intact wooden structure on Earth is held together with mortise and tenon joints. The man who built it never wrote his name down, because writing hadn’t been invented yet. He never rode a horse, because animal husbandry hadn’t been invented yet. He used stone tools, because copper smelting hadn’t been invented yet. In the present day, Festool sells a tool to make mortises called the Domino which they still hold a patent on. We’re still actively developing this technology which has been with us slightly longer than civilization has.

  • There are some records which are “threaded” backwards, in that you start at the center and work out rather than start at the edge and work in. This is not standard, automatic turntables might not be able to handle this, but the reason they do this is because of the effect above. You can get greater dynamic range near the outside of the disc, and you probably want greater dynamic range near the end of the recording as the music reaches a climax. Consider Ravel’s Bolero, which is one long crescendo.

  • The motherboard header should be a standard pinout to make it possible to make a solid connector. That should be part of the ATX standard.

    The cable from the case…the PC I just built has no reset switch, the power button light is controlled by the case’s built-in RGB controller, there’s no hard drive access light because it’s the distant space year 2024…turns out the only thing plugged into that header on my machine is the power switch itself.

    Having an electronics hobby, having played with Raspberry Pis and Arduinos and such, building things like 3D printers, I’m used to dealing with those little 0.1 inch DuPont connectors, everyone else has a fit about them but they’re not that bad.

  • Subreddits could often be narrowly focused to a severe degree.

    r/whatisthisthing would routinely remove comment chains that were tangent to the topic of identifying the thing posted. Say someone posted a picture of a Betamax tape and said “What is this thing?” Someone identifies it as a Betamax tape, links to the WIkipedia page, mentions that it was Sony’s competitor to VHS, etc. Que a tangent where someone says “VHS won the format war and became basically the only standard available, so for a long time we didn’t call the format by its name; commercials for movies would say “now available to own on video” and we called the machine a “VCR.” And someone else says 'There was actually an early and unsuccessful format called VCR, it didn’t do well and is pretty rare though.” And all these comments get removed and the commenters get 7 day bans.

    I’ve yet to see that brand of “the kind of anal retentive you only get from welding someone’s ass crack shut from spine to scrotal seam” here.

  • My default is to buy the grocery store’s house brand unless I can tell the difference.

    A 26 ounce can of Morton’s iodized salt at my local grocery store costs $2.19. The Food Lion brand costs $0.79. Explain to me why I would pay more than twice the price for name brand salt?

    Especially in goods where I know the complete chemical formula of the product like salt and sugar, until I encounter a serious problem with quality or unethical sourcing I’m not going to pay for the brand name.