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Cake day: August 30th, 2023


  • They’re in he air, the water, the food, your brain, apparently. Your reproductive fluids…there’s literally no escape. We signed this pact with satan when capitalism determined that profit is the only thing that matters.

    The first step we could take? Bringing the exploitative and murderous system of capitalism to its knees. So we can promptly shoot it in the back of the head. Then, maaaybe our children’s children’s children would have an option to avoid microplastics.

  • Seeing as we don’t know the same people, I can’t. And you know that, so it’s a pretty Jordan Peterson-y way of trying to win an argument.

    Hey, man. If you got something positive out of his mumbo jumbo, great. But his stuff is kinda like horoscopes in that way. You can…kinda take whatever you want from it. Because it’s mostly overly verbose, purposefully complicated nonsense. And the mindset you’re in when exposed to it can change its effect. So, when shared among right wing incels and “alpha male” circles, it very much has the effect of fostering hatred toward women and trans people.

    He spouts pseudo science and fills it with buzzwords on hot button issues. He cloaks his nonsense in the favorite topics of those who do harbor hatred towards women, transgender people, etc. He gets to remain an arm’s length away from the far right while catering to them by pretending to be a “neutral” “academic.” But those people are his bread and butter. While you may or may not be a part of that, like I said, he caters to them and uses vague enough bullshit to let those kinds of people justify their hatred. You can’t deny that he’s positioned himself as “going against the status quo”—hell, you basically said so yourself. And hat is the exact type of persona that attracts the ironically “anti establishment” right wingers. A truly stupid hypocritical group of people. They claim anti establishment, while actually harboring authoritarian beliefs.

    My point is, his schtick is to appear “neutral” while spouting exactly the kind of shit bigots need so they can feel justified in their hatred. You may have not fallen prey to that, but plenty of his fans do. And anyone who opens up to that stream of pseudoscientific “information” from him is flirting with the far right pipeline.

  • I’ll give you some anecdotal evidence.

    I make okay money. Not great, but I’m not starving. Lower middle class, probably. But I’m a single man, so if I had a family I’d be lower class no question. (This all just to give you an idea of my income without sharing my personal data online, we’re all working class)

    I tried getting insurance this year, and the cheapest plan I could find was $700/mo. That means I pay an insurance company $700 every month, whether I go to the doctor or not. Now, if I were going for a general checkup, I’d pay a “copay,” so a base cost for the office visit. Probably $40-$50.

    Then, depending on what I get done, tests, lab work, medicine, I’d still probably pay at least a portion of that, the medicine is likely to be discounted.

    But then there’s this thing called a “deductible.” That means I have to spend the amount of the deductible in the year out of my own pocket before the insurance company would be paying for anything major. My deductible for this $700/mo plan was something like $7,000. Something like that, $5-$7k. That’s my cost before the insurance company is obligated to pay for anything. Small stuff they’ll probably cover (depending on the doctor I went to…) but before I spend that $7k of my own money in this calendar year, they’re not gonna pay for much of anything, if really anything at all.

    So before we get into the absurdity of how much medicinal care costs here, there’s all that insanely stupid system to pay off and figure out.

  • I lived in Spain for a while. I was in some random city in Andalucía, walking with some random person I met in the hostel. We’re walking to the beach, and we pass a group of students coming the other way. Kinda passively scanning the faces, I see this kid I went to high school with. We weren’t friends, but it was a small school, 100 kids or so to a class. We both just kinda laugh, shake our heads, point at each other, share a dap as we pass and both just kept walking. Neither of us said anything except maybe “what the fuck”

    lol neither of us stopped, just passed each other in disbelief

    Another time, I got in a hit and run accident. When the guy hit me from behind, I looked in the rear view and saw his weird headlights. We go to pull off the road and he booked it. I couldn’t catch him. Like six months down the road, on my way home from school, I look in my rear view and see those headlights on the same color truck. He’s driving like a dickhead through traffic, but I start obviously following him, he’s kinda trying to shake me. He pulls over into a parking lot, I come in behind him. He and his douchey friend get out, all douchey-like. Comes to my window, trying to intimidate me, his friend to the passenger window to intimidate my friend. Starts yelling, and I’m just like, “yeah, like six months ago you rear ended me and I got a description of your truck for the police report, but didn’t get the license plate number.” He was immediately shaken and started stumbling on his words, trying to say he just bought this car, blah blah. I’m like, “oh. They kept those Ron Jon stickers on the window when they sold it?” lol at that point they were already retreating. I yell, “you can expect a visit from the cops pretty soon!” And they got out of there. I didn’t really make a police report, but I hope I made the next few months of his life really anxious.

    Another time a guy who tried to stab me like three nights before when I was living in Colombia came up and started talking to a group of me and my friends on the street.

  • Your body won’t let you throw up more than you can in one go. If you haven’t noticed, when you throw up, your whole body tenses, you’re wrenching hard, and you can’t breathe. If you’ve been drinking for hours, you have a lot of poison in you. If it takes multiple purges, your body couldn’t get it out in one go. You’re expelling air as well as everything in your stomach. So you’re starving for air, expending a lot of energy, and your airway is full of vomit. Your body knows you need to breathe, so it won’t just expel everything no matter how long it would take. Not to mention your muscles are only so strong, and those muscles don’t get worked out super regularly.

    So basically your body just can’t. If you’re puking more than once, you needed to. Because there have been plenty of times where I’ve eaten something off and I threw up once and felt better/didn’t need to throw up again.

    But also, I agree with everyone else. It sounds like you have a problem.