Alt account of for looking at stuff Beehaw defederated

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Those aliens also display a core experience that we have anxiety about: being colonized. Interestingly, Stargate, a franchise partially created by the US Air Force very accidentally portrays what interacting with alien species who didn’t establish a system of colonization might look like. There are multiple cultures humanity encounters in that franchise who don’t have weapons but have farming implements we can’t even imagine. That franchise shows a universe where Humanity leaves earth and discovers we’re a bunch of violent weirdos who don’t fit in with the rest of the universe. There’s some other colonial powers we encounter, of course, when Earth needs to be the good guys. But like… Think about that. We might be so steeped in a system that’s been inflicted on us that our first contact with a non-earthbound culture might see that culture being like “so the workers produce all the value, and you beat them up? Why? This doesn’t make any sense. Shouldn’t they be rewarded for the value they provide?”

  • Yeah but the fucking labels aren’t even being that resistant to AI. AI is robbing the labels a little, and the artists a lot. It’s like how in 1984 george orwell points out the proletariat and the middle class should be allies, but the middle class always installs itself as the upper class and leaves the proletariat behind. The labels are willing to ditch the artists so long as they get to stay in one of the upper two classes. So they’re willing to sell access to their back catalog and their lost masters to the AI companies so long as that pays them a little bit better than paying out for new artists to join the label. They’re the fucking overseers or the small whites in Haiti. They hurt the people they should be working with because they’re too short sighted to see what’s gonna happen once everything shakes out. And you’re over here rooting the AI robbery on because it will hurt the labels instead of realizing who it’s REALLY gonna hurt