Some IT guy, IDK.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • As a technologist and a casual photog, I’ll chime in.

    The answer is optics.

    Previously, phones had basically one set focal point, and everything from a certain distance to infinity would be in focus. There was no way to adjust our change it, because the optics were basically sandwiched against the sensor.

    More modern phones can do some level of focus, which allows focus to be set much closer to the phone. At first, this didn’t really introduce much thickness, and phones were fairly thick in the first place (at least, compared to today)… So it was merely a matter of shifting some things around to make everything work.

    Now? Between the pulls for longer battery life, with the relatively stale battery technology in use (we haven’t seen any significant uplift in battery storage density in a while, some might be coming, but they’re not here - so the only way to add battery is to install a larger one); the push for thin/light phones, and the push for better image quality in phones (4k video, bigger zoom, bigger image sizes, etc)… Everything has culminated into adding space for optics, and making everything else slimmer. The only other area where the phone is growing in size, is the screen.

    Personally, I don’t understand the race to be the thinnest phone. I don’t give a shit. I don’t want to be holding a piece of paper that makes calls. Back in the day, even the very chunky handsets of landline phones were not comfortable to hold for extended periods of time, and there were attachments you could get to make them bigger, so it would be more comfortable to hold the already massive (by today’s standards) handset against your shoulder. Ever seen someone try to hold a cellphone with their shoulder? It’s not comfortable.

    … I know what they will say… Bluetooth! Headsets! (Blah blah blah). Handsets existed for landlines too. Nobody bought them. IMO, the only reason people use Bluetooth for calls is because they bought the BT headset for something else (like music). BT headsets for only calls were pretty much only purchased by the same dicks that bought headset landline phones.

    Anyways, I’m off topic now. While I don’t get the compulsion to make phones thin, I understand that optics need space and it’s the reason why there’s a camera bump. Companies wanted thinner phones but needed space for optics, so this was the only way to accomplish both.

  • I appreciate this; I don’t disagree with you.

    Some would counter with “if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it’s probably a duck”; which is a reasonable argument in and of itself. It wouldn’t be unreasonable to suspect that if things are being said that is CSAM affirmative, then it’s possible or even likely, that the individuals in question are probably participating in the viewing, distribution, or even production, of such material.

    One of the good things about the internet is that it becomes harder to have a group or community so isolated that it’s not able to be inspected at a moments notice by anyone with an internet connection; Especially if the content is of a questionable or illegal nature, and the perpetrators of that content’s production and distribution are not very intelligent (and bluntly, most don’t seem to be). It becomes harder to “hide in plain sight” as it used to be, especially when trying to further your questionable or illegal goals. At some point those individuals need to poke their head into the public spaces to try to recruit more people who are sympathetic to their goals, and by doing so, they can readily be found, investigated and hopefully charged and imprisoned for their activities.

    If there is any CSAM on any lemmy instance, or people perpetrating CSAM via lemmy, I hope the individuals who are engaged in any related activity are caught, charged and imprisoned for their actions.

  • So much drama about something so silly. If their concerns were valid about the subject models being under age, or trying to appear under age, then that’s one thing, but this is starting it boil down to a difference of opinion on what looks like CSAM…

    They say yes, you say no, it’s a whole thing of everyone having an opinion.

    That’s fine. Can’t control what others decide to do with their servers. They’re free to defed if they feel that’s the only way to handle it.

    IMO, it sucks to see this splintering of the federation over something like this, but it is what it is.