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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • You’re really describing a small but very vocal portion of people with kids. I don’t think most parents are that concerned about it.

    The people who you’re describing only had kids because they grew up being taught that that’s what they were supposed to do wether they actually wanted kids or not. This very specific group get upset that child free people are somehow going against the plan by not bending over backwards to accommodate everyone who did have kids.

    They’re also constantly angered further when they see child free adults having a fun relaxing time while they’re stuck wrangling their own ill mannered progeny.

    They certainly are very petty, angry, frustrated people but they definitely don’t represent everyone who has kids lol

  • It hasn’t for me really because most of my hobbies are still done more or less the way they always have been lol I cross stitch and build models and the whole point of those is that they’re handmade. I collect vinyl records which hasn’t really changed much except that they’re more expensive now. I play guitar which technology has mostly helped more than hinder… The only thing I can think of is that a lot of the modern assembly line cheap guitars aren’t really built all that well anymore, especially considering the price you pay for them, but even that has gotten a lot better in the last decade

  • Probably it was the first time as a young adult that I found myself out of money and realized no one was going to give me any more. It’s kind of a jarring experience the first time you realize you have $50 left in your account, you don’t get paid again for another week, and mom and dad can’t help you.

    I’m honestly glad it happen to me sooner than later, because it taught me a lot about how to be resourceful, how to budget more carefully, and that as a grown adult I should really be able to handle these things on my own.