I'm back on my BS 🤪

I’m back on my bullshit.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • That shit is so scary. Those people were ready to exterminate others out of pure hate and brain washing. It made me think about how the more extreme MAGA people today refer to liberals/Democrats. It’s like they’re heading down the same path. It’s insane that that many people can fall into that type of mentality with the freedom of information we have today. They’ve been trained to only believe a certain narrative, but instinctively disbelieve and see as enemy anything that goes against it. Freedom of thought is not an option for them. Crazy af.


    Often times, games underplay the medical and psychological impacts of traumatic events, so we unconsciously think that we would generally be fine if we were to experience a car accident.

    Trigger warning of car accidents and general PTSD

    If you get in a car accident, you end up in the ICU and can’t get out of bed for weeks at the least. Once you get out, you have to complete physical therapy over months to get a portion of your mobility back. Once you are out of the hospital and no longer have the 24-hr support of sympathetic medical staff…

    PTSD and grief! The person develops PTSD and has relevant triggers that uncontrollably illicit sympathetic nervous system activation (fight-or-flight). At first, it’s only car stuff. A car back fires? Person zones out their environment, time slows down, and only nearby cars that are brightly glowing amd have the video quality sharpness set to max. Literally everything else is blurred and muffled out. The activation lasts for a while. When the person comes back, they’re embarrassed. Slowly, they start cutting away people from their life as more stimuli begins to trigger the person and can’t function in social settings without self-medicating. Eventually, they develop a drug problem just to make it through the day, while experiencing insomnia every night. But wait, there’s more! There was a close friend with them in the car that died in the accident, so whenever they are reminded of said person, they fall into crying spell and can’t function for a while as they wrestle with the guilt of feeling responsible for the loss. The insomnia and overwhelming loneliness ensures that they wake up with only half their health everyday.

    While morbid af, I think it would help advocate for victims of trauma and loss. Also, it might encourage to people think before they behave in ways that are too risky when driving.

  • This sounds like a bs answer someone comes up with during a live debate. It’s a bunch of random meaningless pseudo-factors. Earth’s hotspots? A likely source of nitrogen and water of the correct isotopes?? wtf are you talking about?? lmaooo 🤣🤣

    So yeah, the reason Jupiter is the largest of the planets within 100 AU of Sol is likely due to the asteroid belt’s Eunomia family, Ganymede being larger than Mercury, and the bow shock of the magnetosphere interacting with the Solar Wind which is beyond anything else seen in the Solar System.