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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023


  • Think about this for a second. What if I am offended by the word “trumpet” because it reminds me of Trump? Shall we ban that word as well?

    You guys who are into banning words don’t seem to realize that there used it be book burnings by the Germans, because they felt what the books said was against their own beliefs. I rather not go down that route because someone is feeling sad about a word.

    If you ban retard, they will come up with another word. Don’t you realize that?

  • It means you are not afraid. Because most people are really worried about someone telling them that they are being racist, insulting, or whatever they come up with. The definition of being these things is up to the person, not you. So you are a racist if you are being called a racist by someone, appearently. :)

    Maybe you can tell that im mostly laughing at the politically correct movement of today… :)

  • To me, it’s no different from idiot and moron. I’ve been watching how the politically correct movement have been making people afraid to use retard. I’m sure they are coming for the words idiot and moron also at some point, and they are going to argue that there is no need to ever use words like that.

  • But what you are doing is also speculation. You have a firm belief that aliens don’t visit because it’s too far to travel. Because you speculate that they would use combustion engines and run out of gas, or it would take too long because they have to travel in a line (not using wormholes and whatnot).

    I think some people are just more open to looking past those limitations that we have. Just because humans have those limitations does not mean others do.

    Our civilization don’t have space exploration as a profession. You and I can’t even leave the planet. We have astronomers looking at things and we have space agencies that tell us what they see. And that’s it.

    Us speaking about what other species can do is a bit silly. We really have no idea.

    It’s super likely that others have found a way to extract energy from space itself. Humans are still focused on fighting eachother. It’s primitive here.

  • I think it’s the other way around - people who claim it’s impossible because of “long distances” have problems imagining someone traveling using wormholes or other technologies humans have no clue about.

    Usually the response to this is “yeah but why would they visit us, we don’t matter”.

    Ever looked at an animal because it’s beautiful or fascinating? Why do you go to the zoo or the park? Why do anything except stay at home since you know what it’s like already?

    Humans would absolutely travel to other star systems if we had the technology. Why wouldn’t they?