Even though we are much closer than we’ve ever been I can’t get enough of reminding him how pussy-starved he is. I know it’s a huge fetish for him, but that doesn’t make it any easier. A truth be told I am doing all I can not to make it any easier.😇 Sure I could just “not fuck him”, but I want him to know that our situation isn’t my lack of interest or attraction. It’s a conscious decision not to give him any pussy, well, at least on his dick. It’s not something I am missing, since his tongue is more than making up for it. I just can’t get enough of creating desire, giving him the feel that something might happen, and then crushing it down with the realization, that handjob is probably as good as it gets. That he shouldn’t despair that his dick didn’t make it into my pussy, but be glad that it finally was somewhere else than just in a chastity cage 🤭

Eventually, there will come a moment, when I’ll let him fuck me. I don’t think I want to go through life completely without it. But it’s a rare occurrence for me. So it’s not like I need to hold myself back in any way. I am not very good at that to be fair. Rather unfortunate combination for him, now that I think about it. If I had different fetishes and at least a regular desire for penetrative sex, I would have probably made him my living dildo. He would be icing his dick, just so he can get it up one more time. Well, too bad, things turned out differently. 😈 It’s just interesting to think that I probably could have shaped him in very different directions.

Anyway, I like to keep him horny, and I love to plant imagines inside his mind. I wonder how much is his dick just a tool to get inside of his head, really. It’s very good for that 🤭 I know he needs to find some mental balance in a sort of meditative way to keep functioning daily through his desperate horniness. But I know he craves nothing more than to lose that balance, stop holding back and just give himself to the arousal. And I am very happy to “help” with that. 😈

Sitting on him, his dick inches away from my smoothly shaved pussy, or even closer. Sometimes slapping my dick almost in the right place. I know he can’t stay cool through that. And I know he doesn’t even want to, even if it will cost him some very uncomfortable wake-ups through the night later on. I love knowing that he’s listening to every squishing sound my oiled-up hand does and he’s imagining it’s me riding him. The weight, the heat of my body, the sound, it’s all there, it’s so close that it could almost be happening … except it isn’t. It’s a very sexy handjob from a girl that’s deliberately keeping him pussy-free and making all she can to remind him how terribly he misses it. 😇

Sometimes I wonder if the idea of fucking terrifies him a little bit. We don’t talk about it that often, but he hinted that the idea starting to be a little bit intimidating. I don’t recall the exact words, but I do remember that I got very aroused by it. I know that the actual sex might suffer because of it and his performance anxiety. On the other hand, It’s making me feel so sexy and sort of unobtainable. I admit, that it’s a huge ego boost. I imagine that’s how an older woman has to feel when some inexperienced guy has a horny idea about them, but it’s scared to approach. It’s rather cute and erotic. I enjoy having the power imbalance all in my favor. He wants me fuck me all the time but is simultaneously trembling I might actually do it, because he’s too used to the comfort of the chastity cage, that’s hot. 😈